Have you lost several natural teeth, beyond the ability to replace with a dental bridge? In these situations, you may need a partial or full set of dentures. These custom prosthetics can restore your lost teeth and improve your smile. At our dental office in Dallas, TX, our team can help you enjoy a full smile with… Continue reading How Dentures Improve Your Smile
Category: Dentures Dallas
The Difference Between Full And Partial Dentures
When you have lost several teeth, or even most of them, you need a prosthetic to enjoy optimal function and a full smile again. With full and partial dentures, we custom-make prosthetics that fit comfortably and offer a lifelike appearance. At our dental office in Dallas, TX, our team can help treat your tooth loss… Continue reading The Difference Between Full And Partial Dentures
Custom Dentures That Restore Tooth Loss
Do you struggle with missing teeth? Gaps in your smile can be a source of personal embarrassment, but selecting the right prosthetic can boost your self-confidence and return needed function to your bite. Enjoy the foods you love and show off your smile with a solution for tooth loss that meets your unique needs. At… Continue reading Custom Dentures That Restore Tooth Loss
Are You Flossing Correctly? 5 Tips To Improve Your Flossing Technique
Flossing is an integral part and vital step of any oral health regimen. It removes plaque from between your teeth, which helps reduce decay in those areas. Doing it correctly, however, is imperative to keeping your smile bright. There are several mistakes people commonly make when flossing. To help, we’ve put together these five tips… Continue reading Are You Flossing Correctly? 5 Tips To Improve Your Flossing Technique
Tips to Help Adjust to Dentures
Dentures make for beautiful replacement teeth that can restore your smile and renew your self-confidence. That being said, wearing dentures does take some getting used to. The best way to prepare for life with dentures is to be patient throughout the adjustment process. It will take a few weeks to get used to your new… Continue reading Tips to Help Adjust to Dentures
Things to Keep in Mind When Considering Dentures
Dentures are very beneficial for patients who have experienced tooth loss. A conversation with your dentist will outline all the advantages dentures have to offer such as allowing the patient to chew with ease and speak clearly, to smiling with renewed self-confidence. Whether dealing with the loss of a few teeth or having to replace… Continue reading Things to Keep in Mind When Considering Dentures
Tooth Replacement Options: Complete or Partial Dentures
Tooth loss is a serious problem for many people. Your dentist is your best advocate when it comes to deciding which tooth replacement option is best for you. The choices vary with several things to take into consideration, but dentures are very popular providing a great result. The Importance of Tooth Replacement A denture is… Continue reading Tooth Replacement Options: Complete or Partial Dentures
Adjusting to Dentures: What should I expect during the first few weeks?
Dentures provide a way for a patient to restore tooth loss that is effective and aesthetically pleasing. But as with anything new and different, adjustments can be anticipated. Your dentist will likely outline what may occur, but everyone is different and your experience may actually be easier than you expected. Are Dentures My Best Option?… Continue reading Adjusting to Dentures: What should I expect during the first few weeks?
Will dentures affect my speech?
Dentures do affect your speech but normally in positive ways. Our teeth assist with pronunciation. For instance, our tongues sometimes make contact with the backs of our teeth to produce specific sounds. Without our teeth, our pronunciation suffers. Wearing dentures after tooth loss will help renew our ability to pronounce words simply and correctly. If… Continue reading Will dentures affect my speech?
Get the Most Out of Your Dentures with These Tips
Your dentures are an investment. Caring for your dentures properly will improve their longevity and help you maintain comfortable oral function. For example, soaking your dentures is necessary. They can become weak and warped without moisture, an issue that can make wearing them uncomfortable. Most dentures require alterations every few years, and ultimately will need… Continue reading Get the Most Out of Your Dentures with These Tips