How Dentures Improve Your Smile

Have you lost several natural teeth, beyond the ability to replace with a dental bridge? In these situations, you may need a partial or full set of dentures. These custom prosthetics can restore your lost teeth and improve your smile. At our dental office in Dallas, TX, our team can help you enjoy a full smile with custom full and partial dentures!

The Dangers of Untreated Tooth Loss

When you lose a substantial number of your natural teeth, enough that a set of dentures is necessary, this could severely limit your meal options. You could suffer from poor nutritional intake, and find your favorite meals are out of reach. You could also feel embarrassed with your appearance. By replacing what has been lost with a set of prosthetics, we can restore your smile to optimal oral health and function, and take steps to ensure your new smile looks beautiful and reflects your facial structure too!

Designing a Custom Prosthetic

First, we need to take a close look at your smile with advanced imaging technology, so we can assess the cause of your tooth loss and if necessary, address any underlying oral health concerns. We may find teeth that need to be extracted to make room for your dentures too. Our team will gently extract these and take detailed digital images and measurements, creating a 3D impression that allows us to design and fabricate your new smile in a lab setting. A partial will address smiles with multiple gaps, and a full will remove every tooth on one or both arches.

Securing Your New Smile

Each denture will contain new teeth set in an acrylic base that mimics the appearance of gum tissues. Your teeth will be created from durable materials that can handle bite focus, and also offer a more likely appearance. If you’re receiving a partial and have remaining natural teeth, we can whiten them so your prosthetics match your brightest smile. The partial is held in place with clasps that attach to natural teeth. The full is held in place with suction or adhesives. Both options need to be cleaned and soaked regularly, and will take between 5 and 10 years on average, requiring replacement as your jaw ridge changes shape.

If you have suffered from major tooth loss and want to have a full smile that truly shines, then contact our team today. We want to help you avoid the complications of tooth loss, so you can smile with confidence for years to come.

Learn More About Our Dentures With Our Team In Dallas, TX

We would like to help you enjoy a complete and beautiful smile once again. For more information on creating a custom dental prosthetic, call our Dallas, TX, dental office at (214)343-1818!

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