Tips to Help Adjust to Dentures

Dentures make for beautiful replacement teeth that can restore your smile and renew your self-confidence. That being said, wearing dentures does take some getting used to. The best way to prepare for life with dentures is to be patient throughout the adjustment process. It will take a few weeks to get used to your new smile.

Following are helpful tips for adjusting to dentures.

Allow for Time to Adjust

Getting accustomed to dentures takes some time. Your mouth will need to get used to the weight of dentures resting on your gums. You will also need to become used to how your gums will feel during oral function.

If you experience some soreness after having your dentures for a couple of days, continue to wear your new teeth during the daytime. Not wearing your teeth for ample amounts of time will just delay the process of getting accustomed to wearing prosthetic teeth.

Practice Eating and Speaking

Perhaps the most cumbersome elements to wearing dentures arises during oral function. The best way to adapt to living with dentures is to practice eating and speaking.

When it comes to learning to eat with dentures, it’s helpful to start off with soft foods and work your way up to more substantial items. New denture wearers should also cut their food into small pieces and chew food slowly.

Foods to avoid with dentures include:

  • Jerky
  • Taffy
  • Hard candies

Speaking, like eating with dentures, takes practice. To remedy this, we recommend reading aloud each day to help improve your speech.

Caring for Dentures

It is important to develop a great hygiene routine. Each evening, your dentures should be taken out of your mouth for cleaning and overnight soaking. You will need to use a soft-bristled brush to clean away any remnants of food. Then, place your dentures in a soaking solution with enough water to immerse them.

Before bed, be sure to brush your gums, your tongue, and the roof of your mouth. This will help control oral bacteria that could cause infections within soft oral tissue.

With a little practice, you will be smiling again in no time with your new dentures. If you have questions about replacement teeth, call the office of Dr. Barry Buchanan to schedule a consultation with our dentist.

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