Are there diet restrictions after root canal therapy?

Root canal therapy (also known as endodontic therapy) is a procedure where the contents of the root canals of a tooth are removed due to trauma to the nerve of the tooth. In most cases, there are no long-term diet restrictions; your dentist may suggest eating soft foods for a few days following the procedure.… Continue reading Are there diet restrictions after root canal therapy?

If my tooth doesn’t hurt, why do I need root canal therapy?

Root canal therapy is needed when the nerve of the tooth has been subjected to some type of trauma. A break in a tooth can allow bacteria to permeate the tooth’s interior impacting the nerve; or deep dental decay may be the source of the problem. And while there may be no immediate discomfort, eventually… Continue reading If my tooth doesn’t hurt, why do I need root canal therapy?

Will I need a dental crown following root canal therapy?

It’s common to receive a dental crown after having root canal therapy. This is because root canal treatment is designed to treat the inside of teeth and restorations like crowns are used to strengthen the exterior surfaces of them. The only way to know whether you will need a dental crown is when it is… Continue reading Will I need a dental crown following root canal therapy?

What can I expect after root canal treatment?

Root canal therapy is a tooth-saving procedure that will increase a person’s oral function on the affected tooth while also relieving significant discomfort caused by an internal tooth infection. After root canal therapy (endodontic treatment), a person will still feel the effects of local anesthetics for a few hours. Local anesthetic will likely produce a… Continue reading What can I expect after root canal treatment?

Myths About Root Canals

When patients learn that root canal treatment is recommended in their case, they often respond with dread. Unfortunately, they may believe misperceptions about this intervention. Before you start getting anxious about this treatment, educate yourself about the reality of a root canal. The most prevalent myth is that root canal therapy is associated with significant… Continue reading Myths About Root Canals

Root Canal Treatment: Common Questions and Answers

Root canal therapy can help a patient save a tooth that has been extensively damaged due to an injury or a large cavity. Unfortunately, many patients buy into the inaccurate perception that root canal treatments are extremely painful. In reality, most patients who undergo a root canal report that they experience no more discomfort than… Continue reading Root Canal Treatment: Common Questions and Answers

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