Why is endodontic therapy necessary?
Professional dental treatment is necessary because teeth cannot heal on their own after developing significant damage or disease. Root canal therapy, for example, prevents a tooth from becoming so badly diseased that it cannot be saved. When the inside of a tooth is infected, it can abscess. An abscess is a chronic infection that can spread to tissue adjacent to the infected tooth. Untreated abscesses will not only lead to a tooth being so diseased that it must be extracted, it can also lead to the infection of adjacent teeth, gums, and bone. With root canal therapy, painful dental abscesses can be avoided and a biological tooth can be retained.
Will I need a dental crown?
Many people require a dental restoration after having root canal therapy but it is not always necessary. A restoration commonly follows endodontic care because there is significant damage to external tooth structure such as a deep cavity or chip. If a restoration is recommended after treatment, it is to protect a tooth from developing further damage so that a patient can enjoy optimal oral function.
If you are suffering with tooth pain, call our practice to schedule a checkup with our dentist.