A Root Canal Stops Painful Dental Infection

dallas root canal

When you have a dental infection, this could mean serious discomfort, and without care, the risk of losing a tooth altogether. But that’s why we offer an endodontic treatment known as a root canal. With a root canal, your Dallas, TX, dentist can offer a comfortable and gentle solution to dental infection!

The Causes and Warning Signs of an Infection

A tooth becomes infected when harmful oral bacteria reach the inner pulp, the nerve center of your tooth. Usually, this is surrounded by dentin and protected by the outer enamel. But when the tooth is injured or the enamel eroded due to poor oral hygiene and plaque buildup, this could allow a cavity to form. As the decay grows in severity, this could reach the pulp and cause the tooth to become infected. You then experience pain when you eat or bite down, tooth sensitivity when you drink anything, or a toothache that grows in severity. There could be swelling near the tooth, jaw and facial pain, or even a discharge from the tooth itself. Don’t ignore symptoms like these instead, reach out to our team right away.

The Steps We Take to Keep You Comfortable

We begin with a detailed exam using digital technology, so we can assess the position and severity of your infection. Once we do, we will then numb the tooth to ensure you are comfortable. If you have dental anxiety, we could also discuss sedation to ensure you enter a deep state of calm and relaxation. We want your treatment experience to be a positive one, so you can leave with a restored and comfortable smile and won’t dread your next visit, whether it is for treatment or a checkup and cleaning.

The Root Canal Procedure

Once you are comfortable, we will open the tooth itself to access and remove the infected tissues from within. Once we remove tissues from the interior of the tooth, we will clean it thoroughly and add a special filling known as gutta percha. The last step is to cap the tooth with a dental crown, one custom-made to ensure a natural appearance. We also use durable materials, so your newly restored tooth can handle daily bite forces and pressures. If you have any questions about how we treat infected teeth with a root canal, then contact our team today. We want to help you smile with confidence and avoid discomfort!

Talk to Your Dallas, TX, Dentist About Treating Infected Teeth

Our team wants to help you enjoy a healthy and whole smile again using root canal therapy. If you would like to find out more about endodontic treatment options, then reach out to our Dallas, TX, dental office today at (214) 343-1818.