Tooth decay or cavities is one of the most common oral health conditions that affect patients of all ages. If a person develops a cavity, it must be treated with a cost-effective and minimally invasive restoration like a filling. If the cavity is left untreated for a prolonged amount of time, it will become deeper and wider. Over time, a filling will not make for an adequate restoration because more tooth structure is affected.
Tooth Loss
Losing just one tooth can have a domino effect on your oral health. Teeth support one another by holding everything upright. Missing one adult tooth can make a number of teeth shift out of alignment due to the space created by an empty tooth socket. Moreover, tooth loss makes a lasting impact on a person’s oral function.
Gum Disease
Untreated gingivitis can progress into advanced gum disease rather quickly. Advanced gum disease is powerful enough to destroy teeth and bone along with gums. When this condition reaches a certain point, it is not curable. It is only manageable. Managing advanced gum disease requires vigilant professional care on a routine basis.
Orofacial Pain
Headaches, jaw pain, and facial discomfort are common forms of orofacial pain that can occur when a person neglects their oral health by avoiding the dentist and necessary treatments. For instance, retaining wisdom teeth or untreated occlusal problems can lead to people experiencing debilitating and persistent orofacial pain.
Oral Cancer
Oral cancer claims tens of thousands of lives every year. Having routine checkups, where dental professionals screen for signs of oral cancer, can literally save your life.
Call us today to reserve an appointment at the office of Dr. Barry Buchanan.