Turn Back Time with Teeth Whitening

A professional teeth whitening treatment may not be the fountain of youth but it can make you appear younger. Professional teeth whitening is a quick, non-invasive way to breathe new life into your appearance. Our cosmetic dentist utilizes prescription-grade take-home whitening systems that can remove decades of stains from your teeth.

What Causes Tooth Stains?

Surface stains can form when a person neglects his or her oral hygiene. As plaque and tartar build up on the surfaces of teeth, they can appear dull and yellowed. These stains can be removed with professional dental cleanings and improved care at home.

Permanent teeth stains form when exposed to discoloring foods and beverages. They can also stain when one smokes or chews tobacco. Common foods and drinks that contribute to the development of permanent stains include:

  • Wine
  • Coffee
  • Berries
  • Beets
  • Soy sauce
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Dark sodas

Why Choose Professional Teeth Whitening

When it comes to brightening your smile, you may feel overwhelmed by your options. There is no shortage of over-the-counter whitening strips, toothpastes, and rinses. You may have even tried a product or two.

While these products may advertise that they can produce results, bear in mind that store-bought formulations lack the potency to lift permanent stains. Instead, most of these products can only address surface stains. Some of these products may also use abrasive agents to remove discoloration. Over time, abrasive formulas can cause permanent damage to tooth enamel.

If you’re looking to invest your time and money into a whiter smile, we recommend consulting with our cosmetic dentist. Our take-home whitening systems contain powerful formulas that can safely and dramatically lighten your teeth. Professional whitening systems contain high enough concentrations of lightening agents to penetrate the enamel layer of teeth to lift old, permanent stains. These take-home whitening kits will not harm teeth nor will they cause permanent tooth sensitivity.

Take-home whitening kits can lighten your teeth up to ten shades when used as directed. If you are interested in improving the appearance of your smile, call the office of Dr. Barry Buchanan to reserve a consultation with our cosmetic dentist.

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