Porcelain Veneers Can Offer Smile Transformation

Do you have multiple issues with the appearance of your smile, and want to see transformation before the holidays are here? If so, then you may consider a cosmetic treatment known as porcelain veneers. At your Dallas, TX, dental practice, we can create and place custom-made porcelain veneers to offer major cosmetic improvement!

The Issues We Can Correct

Porcelain veneers are very thin shells that we place onto the front of the teeth, offering instant improvement to your smile. Our team can use them to mask permanent teeth stains that may not respond to traditional teeth whitening methods, or to even correct the appearance of minor misalignment to avoid the need for braces or aligners. Placing these custom shells can also reshape malformed or damaged teeth, and lengthen worn down structures too. We can close embarrassing gaps between your teeth too! Which means we can instantly offer a smile makeover in just two visits.

Creating Custom Restorations

The first visit involves preparing the smile and creating your veneers. Our team will numb the tooth or teeth being treated and will gently remove a thin layer of outer enamel from the tooth, making room for your restoration. Next, we will take detailed digital images of the tooth so we can design and craft your custom dental restoration. The porcelain material can withstand daily bite forces and pressures, which is why the same material is often used for crowns and even prosthetics like dental bridges. The material is translucent like tooth enamel, and we can shade it to blend with your smile seamlessly, so you enjoy lifelike results.

Placing Your Veneers

When your final restoration is ready, our team will check the fit and make any necessary adjustments before we attach the restoration with a powerful bonding agent. Once in place, the restoration can last for years to come and stay bright with good oral hygiene habits. This also protects the tooth we’ve attached it to from the impacts of infection or gum disease. You should brush and floss daily, avoid tobacco products, eat a healthy diet, and see our team for checkups and cleanings.

If you have any questions about how we design and craft custom porcelain veneers, or if you would like to talk about our other cosmetic treatments, then please reach out to our team today. We would love to help you obtain a smile that makes you feel proud and confident, and one that is healthy and strong as well!

Talk To Your Dallas, TX Dentist About Cosmetic Treatment

Our team wants to offer a solution for your smile’s esthetic imperfections. If you would like to find out more about our custom cosmetic dental restorations, then reach out to our Dallas, TX, dental office today at (214) 343-1818.


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