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Our Treatments For Periodontal Disease

dallas gum diseaseWhen your gums become inflamed and develop the early stages of periodontal disease, treatment is crucial to manage it and prevent long-term complications like tooth loss. Our team can do that, with treatments like scaling and root planing and periodontal surgery. At your Dallas, TX, dental practice, our team is ready to improve your gum health!

The Warning Signs of Periodontal Disease

How do you know if you have issues with the health of your gums? You may initially experience soreness or redness in your gums. There could be bleeding when you brush and floss. As the issue grows in severity, you could expedience swelling or even recession that makes the teeth appear long or uneven. When you experience potential symptoms like these, please let us know. Otherwise, the disease will continue to grow in severity until you develop periodontitis, the advanced stage linked to adult tooth loss.

Scaling and Root Planing

Our team will carefully examine your smile to assess the cause and severity of the disease, so we can plan treatment with precision and accuracy. While periodontal disease cannot be cured, we can take actions to manage it so you avoid periodontitis, and keep your smile healthy and whole. For many, we can help in the early stages with a deep cleaning, also known as a scaling and root planing.

Using an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual tool, our team will gently remove all plaque and tartar from the surfaces of the teeth. We also remove buildup from the exposed roots and from beneath the gum line too. Since this is more involved than a traditional cleaning, we will administer a local anesthetic to keep you comfortable. The procedure could take one visit to complete or up to four, depending on the severity of your buildup. We complete the process by polishing your smile, which brightens it and makes it more difficult for plaque and tartar to accumulate before your next cleaning, which should happen in about three to four months.

Periodontal Surgery

What of you have a stage of the disease too severe to be addressed with a scaling and root planing alone? In these situations, we may recommend periodontal surgery to reduce the depth of the periodontal pockets along the gum line. The procedure allows healthy gums to attach to the teeth to reduce the depth of these pockets, making the disease manageable with preventive treatments moving forward.

Talk To Your Dallas, TX Dentist About Periodontal Treatment

Our team wants to help you smile with confidence and enjoy good oral health again. If you would like to find out more about improving gum health then reach out to our Dallas, TX, dental office today at (214) 343-1818.