3 Cosmetic Dental Procedures to Enhance Your Smile

Do you yearn for a whiter smile? Perhaps you have old metal dental work that makes you feel self-conscious about your appearance. Cosmetic dental treatments can breathe new life into your appearance by concealing noticeable imperfections like stains, old dental work, damaged teeth, and improperly spaced teeth. Our cosmetic dentist provides beautiful smile makeovers with… Continue reading 3 Cosmetic Dental Procedures to Enhance Your Smile

Do Composite Fillings Last as Long as Metal Fillings?

Patients who need to have a cavity filled usually are faced with a choice between tooth-colored composite fillings or amalgam (metal) restorations. The different materials have distinct qualities, so it’s important for patients to decide which factors are most important in their treatment decision. For example, although composite materials have improved dramatically over the years,… Continue reading Do Composite Fillings Last as Long as Metal Fillings?

Dental Implants: Enjoy the Health Benefits of a Complete Smile

You expect to lose your baby teeth; permanent teeth will replace them. However, what happens if you lose one or more of your permanent teeth? The ability to chew and speak properly can be impacted with tooth loss; not to mention how missing teeth can affect your appearance. Dental implants provide a means to restore… Continue reading Dental Implants: Enjoy the Health Benefits of a Complete Smile

Fun Teeth Facts

There is certainly nothing funny about dental decay or gum disease; however, there are some very interesting facts that have evolved over the years that involve your teeth and oral health. Your family dentist can probably regale you with stories about teeth; impress him or her with your own knowledge. Did you know … The… Continue reading Fun Teeth Facts

Periodontal Treatment: When is root planing and scaling recommended?

Periodontal treatment is required when the patient is experiencing symptoms of gum disease. A visit with your dentist will identify if you require a periodontal deep cleaning, also known as root planing and scaling. Gum Disease Symptoms  Bleeding gums – Gum tissue may bleed if brushed too aggressively or a hard bristle toothbrush is used.… Continue reading Periodontal Treatment: When is root planing and scaling recommended?

Why is porcelain an ideal material to use for veneers?

Veneers are thin tooth colored shells that are designed to be attached to the front of teeth. Your cosmetic dentist will explain the veneers procedure, and how it will fit with your budgetary and timeline needs. Veneers are Versatile Misshapen, short, or elongated teeth – Veneers are ideal to make your teeth appear symmetrical by… Continue reading Why is porcelain an ideal material to use for veneers?

Implant-Supported Dentures: Never Use Denture Adhesive Again

Are you fed up with unreliable denture adhesive? Disgusted by its unpleasant taste and the mess it can leave behind? You may want to consider implant dentures as a more stable and convenient alternative. Implant dentures use a number of dental implants to secure an appliance rather than denture adhesive. These dental implants actually become… Continue reading Implant-Supported Dentures: Never Use Denture Adhesive Again

4 Warning Signs You May Have Gum Disease

Gum disease can be easily treated when it’s caught early, but the condition comes with more severe symptoms and requires more complex interventions if it has the opportunity to progress to a more advanced form. Therefore, patients should monitor their gum tissue for warning signs that periodontal disease may be present. If you notice any… Continue reading 4 Warning Signs You May Have Gum Disease

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