Improving Smiles With Porcelain Crowns

dallas crown

When a tooth develops cavities too severe to be addressed with a filling, or if a tooth is misshapen or damaged, then we can help with a custom restoration. Our porcelain crowns cap the tooth and can offer major improvement. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX, dentist talks about how we help boost the health, function, and beauty of a tooth with a custom porcelain crown.

When Does a Tooth Need a Crown?

A dental crown, also known as a full restoration, caps the tooth to cover the entire visible portion. Which means we can use them to address an array of restorative concerns. Not only that, but being made from lifelike materials means they can offer cosmetic benefits as well. Our team could place one to repair cracked or chipped teeth. A crown could address misshapen teeth or advanced cases of tooth decay. If you have an infection, one could complete a root canal, and they have been used to improve bite balance and chewing function too. If you have missing teeth, then we could use them to secure a dental bridge or to restore a single tooth dental implant.

Creating and Placing Your Restoration

To create and place one, we start by numbing the tooth being treated, so you are comfortable as we remove structure to make room for the restoration. Once we do, our team will gather detailed digital images and measurements that we will use in a dental lab setting to design and craft the finished product. In the meantime, we will place a temporary so you leave with a restored tooth. Later, when your final and custom one is ready, you will return so we can remove the temporary and attach the final one with a powerful bonding agent. With proper care and attention, your new restoration can last for years to come, and using materials like ceramic or zirconia means we can shade them to blend with your smile.

Safeguarding Your Teeth

Once they are in place, you can take action to safeguard them and protect your smile as a whole. For example, take time to brush and floss daily and reduce how much sugar and starch are in your diet. See our team for checkups and cleanings too, so we can monitor your smile and help you enjoy optimal oral health for years to come. If you have any questions, then contact our team today to learn more.

Talk To Your Dallas, TX Dentist About Our Custom Restorations

Our team can restore your smile with a custom porcelain crown. If you would like to find out more about improving the health, function, and beauty of your tooth, then reach out to our Dallas, TX, dental office today at (214) 343-1818.